Who Would Michael Eisner Hire?

From the WSJ Magazine, the former Disney CEO has reinvented himself as author and new-media entrepreneur. Seeing the potential to reach larger audiences than ever via the Web, the complex mogul talks about the transformation of media from caveman days to those ahead and how content really is king:

“I would much rather hire an executive who has taken courses in history and philosophy  and language and art, and English and Russian  literature than somebody who has only studied a single element of one subject. When my son wanted to go to undergraduate film school, I called George Lucas, who told him: Don’t go. Learning to make a movie is like learning to drive. Anybody can learn to drive. It’s where you drive that counts.
A lot of people can learn to write computer code and understand the inner workings of the technological revolution we’re going through, but if you’re going to be in content, I would rather you understand what makes a good narrative. To find people who can make you laugh or cry or smile of get upset or learn something about yourself. Those people are rare. They are rarer, frankly, than the others. We always talk about the lack of engineers in America; I would say we lead in what is most important to create all this, which is the education system for liberal arts students. To me, that’s key.
For people coming into the entertainment business, the openings are enormous. However, the rules of drama haven’t changed. Denoument has not been replaced by dead ends. You still have to have characters, you have to have an emotional reaction, and you have to learn something from it, preferably. Those things don’t go away.”
Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan is the Publisher of <i>The Curator</i>. She serves a variety of organizations through her consulting firm MaKeR Projects.