When you mix creativity with education, you get SLÖJD.

There’s a new collaboration stirring in Los Angeles concerning educational reform, but the call of duty this time comes from the design-oriented section of industry. The two parties partaking are No Right Brain Left Behind and verynice and together, the two have formulated a workshop to tackle the cause, naming their collaborative effort SLÖJD.

NRBLB is an organization that works closely with the creative industries to teach newer generations the importance of creativity as part of their education. Verynice is a design consultancy dedicated to the public good by taking on causes like job creation, cancer research, human trafficking, hunger, and more.

From GOOD we learn more about the workshop:

The goal of SLÖJD—which by the way means “woodshop foundry” in Swedish—is to prototype a product or methodology that can foster excitement and engagement amongst 9-12th graders by bridging arts and sciences. In addition to inspiring students, we also want to enable teachers to leverage creative ways to teach their day-to-day subjects.
We’ll accomplish this through a six-day work session in May that will invite 8 brilliant design-thinkers from Los Angeles to build, test, and iterate upon prototypes that will pave way for breakthrough methodologies in the middle and high school levels. At the end of the session, the design team will present the prototype and work leading up to it, to a group of esteemed critics for feedback and next steps. Participants will walk away with their name on a working prototype as well as a plan for moving forward with the product in an educational environment.

They also ask something of us, readers and (hopefully) partakers in the fight to keep creativity relevant:

Our team will be made up of eight multi-disciplinary design thinkers from Los Angeles. We will invite six participants, but the other two members will be decided by you, the GOOD community. To make this easy, click here and fill out the form at the bottom of the page to nominate yourself or a superb L.A.-based designer friend to be part of our team. The deadline for nominations is April 28th and we’ll be kicking off the workshop on April 30th. Skills we are looking for? Movers and shakers from any design discipline with hands on design and/or technology skills, and a strong passion for building things that matter.
Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow likes culture, historical fiction, Japanese ramen, illustrating, and technology. Born and raised in San Diego, California, she now lives in Gramercy in NYC. Nia is currently the admin