What is Excellence in the Arts?

Excellence in the arts? It’s a tricky business. And how can arts practitioners elevate the craft to the level of excellence? Franklin Einspruch discusses these questions and suggests learning to stick to your guts.

Excerpt from High and Low: What is Excellence in the Arts? :

So I have worked out a pragmatic answer: Excellence is art’s reproductive drive. Excellent traits in art trigger the feelings, emotions, and attentions of the viewer. Thus aroused, an artist sets out to reproduce those traits in a new arrangement of materials. Thus the cycle begins anew. It’s not subjective or objective because it’s dynamic……
We don’t use the term “middle art,” and in my opinion there is no middle art. There doesn’t have to be, with so much overlap between high and low. There is, however, middlebrow taste. Middlebrow taste is a kind of chickening out of taste, in which you settle for familiarity instead of demanding excellence……
Go high, go low, but demand it. Whatever you do, don’t chicken out.

Read the full article here.

Sandy Son

Sandy Son

Originally from South Korea, Sandy immigrated to New Zealand with her family when she was thirteen years old. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Auckland, NZ last May