Urban Intervention

Street artist r1 from Johannesburg, South Africa works with found objects in urban spaces in South Africa and England. r1 labels his work as “urban interventions”, and they function as a sort of health injection.

He says,

The streets are the veins of a city. They gather, transport and transform our daily experiences and interactions.  We can read a city by its streets, the same as we can read a sample of blood from a body. … my role as an artist is that of a mediator.  My work subtly changes the city streets to create a dialogue and interactions between the environment and our experience of it. The artworks take ownership and manipulate city spaces, opening new relationships with daily familiarity. The end result carries conversations, becoming a fragment of the ever changing city’s history.

View more work here.

Lana Norris

Lana Norris

Lana Norris is a recent graduate of the Moody Bible Institute, where she double majored in Piano Performance and Theology. Originally from the Chicagoland area, she moved as soon as possible to New Yo