To His Bunny


You’re slightly odd-looking:
neither as pretty as you imagine
nor even as normal-featured.

Your permanent eyebrows arch
significantly when you lol
followed by snort and nasal flare,

your ears sloping unevenly
down the sides of your head—
your eyes red, snapshotted.

You’ve been told you’re
an absolute beaut—indeed,
a sweet and popular breed,

but they’re clicking like on all
the dwarf lop-ears nowadays.
Believe them, my bunny,

believe them as though
credulity were a form of piety.
Because it is. And you are,

if not glamorous, at least a star,
hopping from garden to garden
and famous in every warren.

Aaron Belz

Aaron Belz

Aaron Belz has published four poetry collections—Soft Launch (2019), Glitter Bomb (2014), Lovely, Raspberry (2010), and The Bird Hoverer (2007)—and holds a Master’s in Creative Writing from NYU and a