The Inspiring Work of Jim Denevan

Over at, “Supporting the Work of Inspiring Individuals,” you read about and see the largest work of art created by landscape artist Jim Denevan. Denevan created his art in Siberia on the frozen Lake Baikal in March 2010.

From the website’s feature video:

“The peace that Jim gets into when he’s drawing – he’s really interacting with his environment. He’s looking all around the horizone at every single point. When he’s doing it he’s really in the moment; he’s really living. I think that’s enlightenment in a way, you know?”

Check out Jim’s breathtaking creation here.

Joannah Lodico

Joannah Lodico

Joannah Lodico, originally from Ohio, is pursuing her Masters in Art Administration at the University of Michigan – Flint. Joannah graduated in 2009 with a B. A. in music performance and a minor in hi