Ten New Words I Encountered in the 2010s

  1. Vuvuzela, n. A brightly-coloured plastic trumpet, commonly blown by fans at soccer matches, that produces an extremely loud, monotonous sound
  2. Tergiversate, v. 1. To make conflicting or evasive statements; equivocate. 2. To change one’s loyalties; abandon a belief or principle.
  3. Taradiddle, n. Fib or pretentious nonsense
  4. Illative, adj. Making an inference
  5. Slobberknocker, n. A violent collision or physical confrontation.
  6. Fugacious, adj. Lasting a short time, evanescent
  7. Billingsgate, n. Coarse, abusive language [from a fish market in London, notorious for its crude language]
  8. Snickleway, n. A narrow passage or alleyway
  9. Slonk, v. To swallow greedily
  10. Osculable, adj. Kissable.
Aaron Kleist

Aaron Kleist

Raised on the island of Saipan, as well as in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Aaron J. Kleist completed his doctorate degree in Old English literature at the University of Cambridge. His research on reconstru