“Technology Transforms Tradition”

Following on from a recent post on IAM Facebook page about innovative painting apps for smartphone, here’s an article from Glasschord about an artist Mikko Ijas, who has created extensive bodies of work using Brushes application on an iPhone and iPad.

While Ijäs is a skilled draftsman, he is anything but a traditionalist. Using digital media enables him to work quickly and directly in his chosen landscape or setting. The device’s portability allows him to capture the exact quality of a mid-day, sunlit landscape viewed from a hilltop in Namibia’s remote Damaraland, as he does in Ugab River……
In his drawings Ijäs balances an interest in perception and realism with meaningful, productive distortion. In doing so his work is in dialogue with the history and traditions of painting. His interest in the work of Matisse, the Fauves, and Van Gogh is reflected in his use of luminous, intense color, expressive linework, and a painterly approach……

-Andries Fourie, Curator, Roger W. Rogers Gallery

To view the full article with images of his wonderful works, click here.

Or visit the artist’s website: http://www.mikkoijas.com/Mikko_Ijas/Artwork/Artwork.html

Sandy Son

Sandy Son

Originally from South Korea, Sandy immigrated to New Zealand with her family when she was thirteen years old. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Auckland, NZ last May