I was exquisitely thin, having just mowed the yard. I was hungry, but put off
eating to lie in the grass by the paddle boat dock. The summer feeling I want to
Seamus Heaney + Kanye West
Baby, I’ve been feeling you like a theme
song since I stepped off that off-brand
city bus & onto this funky street
where I get my gentlemen on,
The streetlight, white as copy paper,
tilts between the tree’s big arms,
slides out like spilled wine:
I think it is the moon for twenty
minutes. Above us, stars are marking steps
All night my alarm waited, spiked
with excitement, looking forward
to buzzing me awake when I wanted
to stay asleep, buried under a pillow.
It had a job to do, and it was
Don’t talk to me about options
or what it is to tolerate treatment.
When I say kill the cancer, I mean I want it dead.
Slash it, burn it, poison it without