I began reading A Bow From My Shadow—a new collection of poetry by Luke Irwin
and Alex Miller Jr., available from Ecco Qua Press—in a car wash.
The thud-slap-thud of the
is not heaving
blocks of words from place to place
the way a workman shoves slabs of concrete
from here to there
to build a wall.
Instead it is a gentle
A few scratches of petroleum-based
ink; swift motions of being and becoming –
the weight, the thrust, on the shoulders sisyphean,
of a name. 3Xs. Father, Son, H. Ghost.
Top and middle and bottom
When we were 21, we all bought tickets
to the French film festival downtown.
An old woman yelled “Animal savages!”
when we accidentally kicked her seat.
this breath
the preacher said
was like God
no eye has seen
it force
the wintered stalks
to bend and nod
they remain
blandly colored
these unplanted muted
but surely rooted