Dear Heavenly Farther, catamaran
My unbelief and gouge your grace.
I get the Holy Gist, but this,
Your son, who butlered as a man?
The spotless limb and bling of blings?
Suppose you
Just as music’s bird from paradise
is caged in a piano’s lacquered keys,
our words, memory flowing toward a form
then settling in autumn ice.
Here, walking among foam-thrashed leaves,
The ghost orchid is a rare flower; it doesn’t photosynthesize, it’s almost
impossible to grow in home environments, and can only be pollinated from a visit
by the Giant Sphinx Moth.
So the disciples gorge themselves on honey dipped spam
crowned with the many crowns of identical pineapple rings
as they jostle for spots on the picnic blanket, and the children
spread marshmallow fluff