AK47s lie awake under pillows.
It’s more than a dream can stand.
Enemy soldiers bursting through the door.
Even your own man turned traitor,
his rifle pointed in the direction
from which
Between the ivy embankments the car slept
and kept rolling, and the black lion was painted on the sign,
even though the safari park was no longer in business,
and the lion’s
I am not without my curanderas,
my baby book’s first page rumpled
with a new silver dollar I wore home
from the hospital over my ruptured navel,
the dollar my first gift
I email God.
The response is prompt and clean. Thank you for your email. I am out of the
office until Kingdom come. I apologize for any inconvenience. For immediate
assistance, please contact
Did I forgive her, you ask?
What a silly question.
Why wouldn’t I forgive her?
The mother of my children,
she’s been dead for years.
Our long war died with her.