we move all the time
we radiate in cardboard
we radiate in history
we radiate in paint
we radiate phantoms
we radiate indifference, in turn, saw the body as a boat housing the
If I could stop and give what you wanted to see,
still the axis by the flick of my fingers
and pause this perpetual motioning,
I would.
And things would tilt and change
September shoulders in bringing with him cloud-shine, shiver;
the last waves of summer raise their humming weight against the dark.
Autumn is an infant: make new room, it says, for me in your
lugged, tugged, hauled, wheeled out
of the office of Psychiatrist So-and-So and onto
conveyor belts attached by air
to flight, time, destination
always arrives later than usual
in the decade and doesn’t
A wave’s white flag unfurls against the headland.
We’re pleased with summer’s long foreseen surrender:
hot noons betrayed by maples fringing umber,
horny insects dying in the wetlands.
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