Could be miss you could be mask.
Is it next time yet? Round comes the boy
saying let’s eat the whole thing more.
Only: sound fennels its ripened nut
and clings from
Sometimes it is best when you sit
and speak nothing, pray nothing, but be still.
Yet such actions contradict much
you have absorbed about prayer, against your will.
You learned the yes, Jesus
Seasons in our state are covert, though
certain trees shed. We’d see a difference in color
on leaves, and those would be the ones to drop.
One Halloween we chose to let
When my water bottle rolled off
the slab and into the lake, I hesitated
to snatch it out,
and in that moment the breeze took it
silently away from shore,
sailing over the
Let mans Soule be a Spheare, and then, in this,
The intelligence that moves, devotion is,
And as the other Spheares, by being growne
Subject to forraigne motion, lose their owne,
And being