On beauty we must pay a tax,
no matter how much we’re earning.
If God gave the swallow nothing else,
he gave it swiftness in turning.
A boyfriend is a solemn thing.
because prayer should have quieted my mind / because
my prayers have not worked / because therapy is what
sick people need / because I am not sick but strong /
because if I believe in God
Get there early on a day of spotty rain;
be on the muddy path and find
contentment with damp clothes.
You’ll hear palmettos off to the side,
yaupons on your way. You’
We are continuously drifting apart.
It can’t be helped. When we come together
our edges seem to fit, but there’s always
a space between, even when it can’t be seen.
Fear of flu drove us to plait
our keys with hair we gave
the right to grow through March.
We knew the car would tempt
our small yet not dead faith
in those