Editor’s Note: This is an edited version of a paper that was originally
presented as part of Calvin College’s Festival of Faith and Music
[http://calvin.edu/go/ffm]. This biennial
Editor’s Note: This is an edited version of a paper that was originally
presented as part of Calvin College’s Festival of Faith and Music
[http://calvin.edu/go/ffm]. This biennial
In philosophy and theology, there is a lot of discussion about what a self is.
We often think of it as the true kernel of a person hiding inside the body, but
Editor’s Note: This paper was originally presented as part of Calvin College’s
Festival of Faith and Music [http://calvin.edu/go/ffm]. This biennial conference
brings together musicians, critics, journalists, artists,
Rehearsal. Tuesday, 3:30 PM.
“I have these visions, of choking, drowning, a disease, being kidnapped, being
murdered, mutilation...”
There was a long pause.
“I don’t know why I’m saying this.