I am, at weak times, a creature seeking comfort, trolling the internet at all
hours of the night, grasping facts and calling them truth, searching for someone
who will tell it straight, hold
Seen from one perspective, the Twentieth Century was not a pretty period: a long
chain of wars, recessions, genocides, sex scandals, drugs…. The Twenty-first is
not at present looking much better: 9-11, wars,
If this were Facebook, you’d read that “Rebecca Martin is happy Agatha Christie
was so prolific.” Summer is for detective stories. Every year, just about the
same time, the air gets hot,
It starts after dinner, when I share a poem called, “One Art.” I began reading
poems after dinner when my husband’s job changed, and he started working late,
and we felt the
We humans make sense of our lives by shaping them into narratives. Childhood is
the exposition; romances, tragedies, and accomplishments soar up the slope of
conflict to peak at the crisis of marriage,