“Caduceus? Oh, that’s the snake thing,” says my older daughter.
This is not the answer I am seeking just at the moment, as I’m looking for my
copy of Sorina Higgins’
Here I am, writer at the desk, remembering. My memory summons up a homesick
afternoon that I must write about, and now the picture appears. There I am,
twenty-three, stretched out on the
Maybe Canadian-born rapper Drake has never read Rainer Maria Rilke’s advice in
Letters to a Young Poet: “Do not write love poems; avoid at first those forms
that are too facile and
As Far as East from West
On branch,
Wobbling on breeze,
Stemmed to bark.
All careless ease,
The windless siftings,
Petals in grass.
The first unfurlings
At the creative writing center where I volunteer, we engage children in writing
fiction by presenting them with four basic tenets of a story: a main character,
a sidekick, the main character’s