No man can estimate what is really happening at the present. All we do know, and
that to a large extent by direct experience, is that evil labors with vast power
and perpetual
In second grade, my older sister stole my diary. I found her in the kitchen
reading an entry to my mom, and it felt like the deepest form of betrayal. It
As with many of our world’s notable places, the discovery of The Magic Door came
about by accident.
A friend of mine, Steven, is prone to buying and selling classic American cars.
The kitchen in this communal house is often trashed and smelly. I’m pretty sure
I clean up after myself. Doubtless, everyone else says the same thing, but the
place just won’t
“…the artist does not see life as a problem to be solved, but as a medium for
creation.”– Dorothy L. Sayers, The Mind of the Maker
When I look at all things created