Standing Stones

The wall of stones marches

on, straight as an

arrow into the infinity

of forest.

It does not care for

tree or trail, for it was

here before their birth.

It stands as a mark

of Adam’s dominion

flowing through

New England farmers’ veins.

Like human bulldozers

they wrestled with stone

to make an altar to

private property and agriculture,

their own immovable

political philosophy,

which has seen presidents and kings

come and go,

come and go.

Now it stands a mere memorial

in the midst of nature’s

take-back-the-neighborhood campaign,

intransigent and venerable,

it has earned its steady place

in the detritus of trees.

Christopher Yokel

Christopher Yokel

Chris Yokel is a freelance writer, independent musician, published poet, avid movie watcher, amateur photographer, voracious reader, music junkie, and connoisseur of chai tea. He holds his B.A. in Phi