September 5, 2008

A Note
Thank you to everyone who visited The Curator over the past week, read the articles, sent encouraging notes, and shared the news with others. We are encouraged, and a little overwhelmed!

We’re cooking up the next edition and will begin our weekly publishing schedule next Friday, September 12. In the meantime, please become a Facebook fan and subscribe to our feed. And don’t forget to let us know what you think.

— Alissa

Three Sanctuaries
Jenni Simmons
A visit to the De Menil collections in Houston and the idea of sanctuary.

Mütter Museum’s Gruesome Grace
Rebecca Tirrell Talbot
Seeing the human story in beauty’s ravages.

Rethinking What It Means to Be “Made In America”
Sarah Hanssen
Entering a hopeless world to find humanity.

McCain, Barack, and 30 Rock
Alisa Harris
Timely television for a real-life political circus.

The Redemptive Power of Forgiveness
Christy Tennant
A cinematic look at revenge, brokenness, and forgiveness.

On Being in Strange Places
Wayne Adams
Religion and art collide in an unlikely place.

Vive le Salon!
Samuel Kho
An interview with Los Angeles art salon host, Ryan Callis.

Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson

<a href="">Alissa Wilkinson</a> founded The Curator in 2008 and was its editor for two years. She now teaches writing and humanities a <a href="">The Ki