Quicklink Friday | 8.16.13

“Do artists and curators need to be included in physical exhibition spaces in order to create income-generating reputations, or could their presence on a particular curated website offer the same art-world imprimatur?”
Loney Abrams, The New Inquiry

Hell is Other Gamers
What matters in life? Sadie Stein on a new video game that forces you to choose.
Sadie Stein, The Paris Review

The XYZ of Hearing: The Squid’s Ink
“I went into medicine because I love poetry.”
Laura Manuelidis, Poetry Magazine

Our Expirement in Criticism
Former Curator editor Alissa Wilkinson, now Christianity Today’s chief film critic, reflects on what they’re trying to do.
Alissa Wilkinson, Christianity Today

History as Wall Art
“‘What does history look like? How do you draw time?'”
Alan Jacobs, The New Atlantis

Why aren’t religious people as creative as unbelievers?
“[B]land art just doesn’t do it for me. But neither does the blasted, lonely life of a countercultural rebel who despises religion and tradition. I want both real meaning and real creativity.”
Connor Wood, Patheos

Have You Ever Tried to Sell a Poem on Craigslist?
The case of poet (and Curator editor) Aaron Belz’s curious, witty entrepreneurial spirit, and its place in the world of poetry today.
Micah Mattix, The Atlantic

Teenager Tackles Autism with Help from Google Glass
The hopeful benefits of face-tracking tools.
Cade Metz, Wired

When Einstein Met Tagore
The historic encounter (and convergence) between two great thinkers.
Maria Popova, Brain Pickings

Bursting the Neuro-Utopian Bubble
“Pyschosocial problems cannot simply be solved in the neuroscientist’s lab.”
Benjamin Fong, New York Times

Book Review: Faith, Hope and Poetry: Theology and the Poetic Imagination
“What makes Guite’s work striking is his claim that poetry has the capacity to redress our post-Enlightenment reductivism by offering not merely an illustrative assist, but rather a “transformed vision,” with poetry being a carrier of a type of knowledge in its own right.”
Robert Covolo, Themelios

Longread: Do Elephants Have Souls?
Behold, the longest most enjoyable exploration of elephantoid soul-hood you’ll ever read.
Caitrin Nicol, The New Atlantis

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell is a writer and teacher living in New York City.