Quick Links Friday | 11.15.2013

Featured photo of “Valentine, West Texas” by Michael Muller

Want To Be More Empathic? Skip Lunch.
Fasting as a feast for empathy.

Uniquely Compelling & Poignant
Publisher’s Weekly‘s reviews director has issued a ban on the words compelling, unique, and poignant in our reviews.

The Price of the Ticket
M.J. Moore on meeting James Baldwin, his literary hero.

Nobel Prize for ‘God Particle’ Discovery Prompts Deeper Questions
Navigating our material involvement in reality, spiritually speaking.

The ‘Stubborn Gladness’ of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Favorite Poet
In praise of Jack Gilbert, Elizabeth Gilbert’s own favorite poet — a brief interview with her on the principle poem from his last work, Refusing Heaven.

A book on gross carrots
The carrots aren’t actually that gross.

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan is the Publisher of <i>The Curator</i>. She serves a variety of organizations through her consulting firm MaKeR Projects.