
makes perfect, they say. Habitual
as in tradition or in the
practice of a tradition,
anyway, which is
a handing down. Say
from the Greek word for
practice, praxis, or from
Medieval Latin,
which too is praxis.
“Praxis, praxis,” said
a hundred zillion,
trillion times by a million
voices—praxis, praxis,
practice: perhaps here and there
just a little slip of the tongue.
Like a gaggle of kids once
making a game of it,
like playing telephone: between
here and there, or
just between you and me—
whispers Demosthenes to
Augustine: “There’s
a pear tree in the orchard
next door to us. And ripe for
climbing.” Or
Clytemnestra to Agamemnon:
“Welcome home; so
glad to see you,
dear.” Or how we
“used to” implies the imperfect
past tense
of out of practice: Us
now winded in the bedroom after
long eons of our last
shouting match.

James E. Allman Jr.

James E. Allman Jr.

James E. Allman, Jr. holds degrees in biology and business, has been nominated for three Pushcart Prizes, and has poetry in, or forthcoming from, 'Black Warrior Review', 'The Literary Review', 'Nimrod