“PoMo: Everybody’s doing it”

An engaging article on found on The Independent by Jay Merrick:

Now we are profoundly immersed in the tortuous, commercially controlled    currents of postmodern design and thought, and its weapons of mass psychic    deconstruction. Has this made our lives richer in meaning, or just richly    vacuous?
Modernism’s either/or mindset has been obliterated by this pervasive    whateverness. Few of us now imagine any prospect of lives in which ideas,    behaviour and outcomes can be clearly determined. To many, the details of    the present must seem increasingly indeterminate or ambiguous; which duly    turns our perceptions of the past and the future into cabinets of equally    trivial curiosities, rather than illuminating points of perspective.
The and/but vibe now suffuses almost everything we think and do. Surface has    become more important than depth. Style – or, more accurately, stylee –    trumps coordinated articulation; disbelief is more acceptable than belief.

A great article that helps us reflect on the past/get an insight into what may be happening now in our culture. Food for thought.

Where do you think we are going? Feel free to share any experiences, ideas, and/or comments.

Sandy Son

Sandy Son

Originally from South Korea, Sandy immigrated to New Zealand with her family when she was thirteen years old. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Auckland, NZ last May