Photographic Taxidermy by Andrew Zuckerman

via swissmiss.

In 2007, NYC-based photographer Andrew Zuckerman released a compilation of photographs in a book titled CREATURE, featuring a compendium of animal portraits intimately highlighted against Zuckerman’s signature white background. In doing so, the distinct animal subjects are divorced from their contexts to equalize the greater conversation that runs between them. (He has since released four more projects that run in the same methodological vein: WISDOM (2008), BIRD (2009), MUSIC (2010), and FLOWER (2012).

Zuckerman has recently launched a website for CREATURE and describes the concept for the project as such:

CREATURE is aesthetically rooted in the illustrative indexing of 19th century biologists and the dioramas of natural history museums, and shares their preservationist intent. In CREATURE, Zuckerman explores the notion of photography as taxidermy and the hyper-articulated images provide the viewer with intimate and vivid access to the animal kingdom, including a number of rare and endangered animals. Alongside scientific classifications for all of the species included in the project, the CREATURE collection provides a contemporary document of the animal kingdom at close range.
Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow

Nia James Kiesow likes culture, historical fiction, Japanese ramen, illustrating, and technology. Born and raised in San Diego, California, she now lives in Gramercy in NYC. Nia is currently the admin