This piece comes from our archives.
The Royals just defeated the Mets in the World Series, and as a native New
Englander and lifelong Red Sox fan, I had no dog in the
“Baseball unites heaven and earth: it inscribes a pattern of clean lines, orbs,
and diamonds upon the dust from which we were formed and in which we toil, and
the lush green in
The waves break in happy repetition
without regard for temperature or cloud cover
as if they knew their journey
would end here, in a sandy atonement
that never seems to end.
I, and
When art lovers think of the southwest, images likes Georgia OKeeffe’s
landscapes come to mind: the New Mexican desert, the bones and the flowers and
the vistas where she lived for over
I find the trail
the same as it has ever been,
highbush blueberry and rock,
ringed by hills,
the monsters of my boyhood nights.
Rediscovery is brought to grief
by the absence of