The razor’s wet and ragged glint
goes shining on the face it shaves.
You suck in air—aloe and mint.
The razor’s wet and ragged glint
marks your oath, takes devotion’
The cringe. Of natural human reactions, it is among the most visceral. Eyes
narrow, teeth grind, shoulders hunch in expectation. The cringe could mean
fearful anticipation, though—in my experience—it more often
Pasolini’s 1964 film The Gospel According to Matthew is, in the director’s own
words, about “the life of Christ after two thousand [sic] years of stories on
the life of Christ.
The problem with the tropics
is the problem with mankind:
there is no neat conclusion
to the analogy being presented.
In the same way, there is no
subsequent comparison that
makes more sense
This piece comes from our archives.
When I am trying to recall my childhood, the best I often call forth is a
phantasmagorical flash of images and feelings; for instance, a friend whose