Hear it, through the walls
how it crinkles
like overworked skin.
Unused to movement
its limbs grind
bone to socket.
It learns soon enough
how it is excused
from laws of earthly motion.
This essay originally appeared in SEEN Journal (XV.1) – Landscape
, a publication by Christians in the Visual Arts.
In the film Paterson [https://www.youtube.com/
I swept the weeping willows
under my pillowcase.
there is no time for grief
or for hanging too low.
we are not allowed to
brush people on the shoulder,
tap consciousness into them
It’s hailed as “Music’s Biggest Night” but in reality, it’s a very, very long
afternoon that turns into a glamorous dusk. Outside of the Staples Center, the
Los Angeles sun
Out the back of the museum, across the footbridge,
through the native Chumash garden, among the quiet
of live oaks, along the path and up the steps,
and just beyond the sign that