Give me the lowest place: not that I dare
Ask for that lowest place, but Thou hast died
That I might live and share
Thy glory by Thy side.
Give me the lowest
The curve she didn’t curve around
straightens her life into rows
of cornfields she’ll zoom through
in dreams that turn
into months of coma,
into a cracked skull and lacerated eye
“[Little magazines] are snickered at and snubbed, sometimes deservedly, and no
one would venture to say in a precise way just what effect they have—except that
they keep the new talents warm
Waves awaken me
to the sight of pink, gray and white shells
that line the mantle,
their jaws agape
in yawns to match my own.
A window-slapping
palm tree frond,
the sun in
The MoMA recently acquired the exhibition Dear Data
[], a joint collaboration between Stefanie
Posavec and Giorgia Lupi. Stefanie describes herself as “an artist whose medium
is data.” For