A Jew in Europe in the 1930s was a person without a home. A Jewish Pole, for
example, might have left for Germany in the 1920s to avoid Poland’s anti-Semitic
mood; but
All after pleasures as I rid one day,
My horse and I, both tir’d, bodie and minde,
With full crie of affections, quite astray,
I took up the next inne I could
Abnormally busy city sidewalks are crammed with shoppers shoving other shoppers
out of the way on the “rush” home with treasures they could’ve gotten on
Amazon.com [http://www.amazon.com], but
A bird is trapped in my house, a crow,
a starling. I do not know birds.
And he keeps battering himself
against the windows. Then, like any bird
in a poem or song,
I’ve been surrounded by musical types all my thirty-four years of life. My Dad
plays piano and guitar, my Mom can do a lovely harmony, my Grandfather was a
Baptist minister of