Oh virgula my mark ; that offered a leash out of the party ; that offered its
own clearance out of misdiagnosis it is like ; give me permission
Your mother crouched on the patio chair
[Mitski, “Fireworks”] I pull my bike out of the garage. My house and street are
straight out of D.J. Waldie’s Holy Land
[https://www.powells.com/book/holy-land-a-suburban-memoir-9780312168643], which
means, if
Six months after I graduated from college I signed up for ministry school.
Because apparently, I’m the kind of person who likes school that much.
For the ministry school, I went to
Afterward, your hands
looked criminal. But righteous machines,
the merciless clicking of clocks and cars
whirred on, faithful
to their warranties…
Blood mottled your mother’s moth-gouged sheets.
I had never wanted a
I have a love affair with libraries. Growing up in a small New Hampshire town,
our library was more artifact than lending institution, but I liked it anyway.
It shared the property line