Winter is good – his Hoar delights
Italic flavor yield –
To intellects inebriate
With summer, or the World –
Generic as a Quarry
And hearty – as a Rose –
Invited with asperity
But welcome when he
The screen brightens as the camera pans down. The sound of strings, pianissimo,
brightly, in a major key. Snowy hills, treetops, a perfect, tiny village nestled
in a cozy mountain valley. The strings
Advent is the hope of redemption, sung in minor key. It is the promise of
resurrection, and the sorrow of that hope not yet fulfilled. In this the
midnight of the liturgical year,
OH King of grief! (a title strange, yet true,
To thee of all kings onely due)
Oh King of wounds! how shall I grieve for thee,
Who in all grief preventest me?