Oh Heart!

In the tinkling
thinking of
the wind chimes
I hear a song
that places me
before you again,
on my knees, a
knave. In the
thinking reflection
of the window,
steamed with my
own breath, I
write your name.
It’s not your
name anymore;
I have vanished from
the window. I
am sunk into
the afternoon, like
a man who
sits too long, a man
who wants to hear
singing in wind
and to see your face in
the erasures he’s used
to manage what is gone.

Corey Mesler

Corey Mesler

Corey Mesler has published in numerous anthologies and journals including <i>Poetry</i>, <i>Gargoyle</i>, <i>Good Poems American Places</i>, and ,<i>Esquire/Narrative</i>. He has published 8 novels, 4