Noteworthy: The Protean David Bowie

Perhaps no figure in modern pop culture has been as protean as David Bowie. It is precisely his shape shifting, however, that has made him a constant presence. From Space Oddity to Under Pressure, from Ziggy Stardust to Jareth the Goblin King, Bowie has found a way into our collective consciousness. How appropriate then, to celebrate 68 years of Bowie’s life with this marvelous gif. Even in his late sixties Bowie is producing and recording, forever a master of reinvention.

As someone whose introduction to David Bowie was by way of Derek Zoolander, I have slowly discovered his past incarnations as my own understanding of pop culture gradually expanded. What this gif does for me is give a glimpse of the time-warp that is Bowie, and makes me want to listen to Space Oddity on repeat all day.

Andy Scott

Andy Scott

Andy Scott lives in Durham, NC with his wife and two daughters. He is a believer in the Oxford comma, occasionally writes things with words, and is not very good at Twitter. Follow him @_andy_scott_