Musicians take to the Skies

For those musicians that are frequent flyers, exciting news from Congress– published at Blue Grass Today.

In what is being hailed as a victory by traveling musicians in the US, the latest reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration has codified provisions that create a uniform national standard for musical instruments being treated as carry-on luggage.
This legislation establishes that any instrument which can be safely stowed either in an overhead bin or under an airline seat may be carried aboard for domestic airline travel. The American Federation of Musicians has been actively lobbying for this language for several years.
“This is great news for professional musicians throughout the U.S. and Canada who carry the tools of our                     trade – our instruments – aboard commercial aircraft,” said AFM President Ray Hair. “Ending the confusion             over musical instruments as carry-on baggage has been a top legislative priority for nearly a decade.                               Musicians can now fly in friendlier skies.”
Keeley Manca Lambert

Keeley Manca Lambert

Keeley Manca Lambert, originally from Texas, graduated with a Bachelors of Fine Art in Acting from Texas State University, located just south of Austin. She is an artist in residence with Transform, a