Moving Nudes

It’s been exactly one hundred years since Marcel Duchamp’s Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 caused an upheaval in the art world because it combined Cubism with movement, resulting in what was later termed Surrealism. Duchamp was inspired by recent photographic developments of the time, and wanted to capture them through painting.

There is still a fascination with capturing the naked body in action.  From our friends over at Boing Boing, we found these beautiful images by Japanese artist Shinichi Maruyama.  These images are created by taking a string of images that were consecutively taken, creating a film-like illusion of nudes dancing.

Becca Peterson

Becca Peterson

Becca Peterson is in her final semester majoring in Media, Culture, and the Arts at The King's College, a Christian liberal arts college. She is originally from Chesapeake, Virginia. She loves hiki