More on vegetables in the White House

From the New York Times: Michelle Obama’s Agenda Includes Healthful Eating.

White House officials say the focus on healthy living will be a significant item on Mrs. Obama’s agenda, which already includes supporting working families and military spouses. As the nation battles an obesity epidemic and a hard-to-break taste for oversweetened and oversalted dishes, her message is clear: Fresh, nutritious foods are not delicacies to be savored by the wealthy, but critical components of the diets of ordinary and struggling families.

As a resident of a mixed-income neighborhood, I can attest to the fact that if Michelle Obama can pull this off in urban neighborhoods and low-income families, it will be a major win. I think we can expect Big Ag to object.

Why the several postings about the White House food agenda on this blog, you might ask? I firmly believe that in the “world that ought to be”, good food as it grows from the ground would be consumed with great joy – along with the delicious concoctions we’ve come up with (yes, including burgers) – all in moderation. Health would not be a luxury for the rich – and in fact, the developed world is somewhat unique in that the poor people are often eating less nutritious food than the wealthy. It never hurts to get a push from the top.

Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson

<a href="">Alissa Wilkinson</a> founded The Curator in 2008 and was its editor for two years. She now teaches writing and humanities a <a href="">The Ki