March 6, 2009

Revolutionary Road:
Marred Sophistication, Trapped Dreams
By Sarah Hanssen

Sam Mendes’s Revolutionary Roadwas one of the most highly-anticipated and critically acclaimed films of 2008. Sarah Hanssen weighs in with some thoughts on the film’s successes and deficiencies.

Art of the Theater in Adriana LecouvreurBy Linnea Kickasola

The Met’s recent production of Adriana Lecouvreur was a warmly updated version of this story of the theater.

Irena’s VowBy Casey Downing

Casey Downing reflects on the first staged reading to take place at the United Nations, and the significance of its message.

Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson

<a href="">Alissa Wilkinson</a> founded The Curator in 2008 and was its editor for two years. She now teaches writing and humanities a <a href="">The Ki