March 27, 2009

Get (Emotionally) Naked?
Three Films and Nudity
By J. Marcus Weekley

In great art – great film, great painting, great quilting, great photography – prurience has little place. However, nudity for a great filmmaker relates to film’s sense of time: it focuses on the impermanence of the body, while at the same time reveling in the beauty of the same body, as in each of these films.

How to Read a BookBy Lindsay Crandall

On what it means to be a reader, what reading is really worth, and learning to love reading.

Nielsen Festival Seeks to
Rehumanize Piano Competitions
By Christy Tennant

The founders of the Vladimir Nielsen Piano Festival and Foundation hope that the students in their Festival will develop integrity, loyalty, honesty, dedication, selflessness, and – oh yeah – the highest level of competitive musicianship possible.

Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson

<a href="">Alissa Wilkinson</a> founded The Curator in 2008 and was its editor for two years. She now teaches writing and humanities a <a href="">The Ki