Know Thyself

From Wired: Know Thyself: Tracking Every Facet of Life, from Sleep to Mood to Pain, 24/7/365.

Numbers are making their way into the smallest crevices of our lives. We have pedometers in the soles of our shoes and phones that can post our location as we move around town. We can tweet what we eat into a database and subscribe to Web services that track our finances. There are sites and programs for monitoring mood, pain, blood sugar, blood pressure, heart rate, cognitive alacrity, menstruation, and prayers. Even sleep-a challenge to self-track, obviously, since you’re unconscious-is yielding to the skill of the widget maker. With an accelerometer and some decent algorithms, you will soon be able to record your sleep patterns with technology that costs less than $100.
Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson

<a href="">Alissa Wilkinson</a> founded The Curator in 2008 and was its editor for two years. She now teaches writing and humanities a <a href="">The Ki