January 2, 2009

We’ve reached the end of another year, and every critic and magazine around is publishing their top ten lists of the year. Being one of those magazines, we’re joining the fray; however, we’re putting our own special Curator twist on the tradition by publishing highly subjective, intensely quirky lists that are unique to the contributor. You probably won’t agree with a lot of what you read here, but you might just discover something new.

Top Ten TV ShowsBy Kevin Gosa
Tech Top TenBy Ty Fujimura
Ten Favorite Recordings from 2008
(Give or Take Fifteen)
By Jeffrey Overstreet
Top Ten Reasons Real Books
Are Better Than E-Books
By Christy Tennant
Top Ten Reasons to Love Snail MailBy Jenni Simmons
Top Ten MoviesBy Alissa Wilkinson
Alissa Wilkinson

Alissa Wilkinson

<a href="http://www.alissawilkinson.com">Alissa Wilkinson</a> founded The Curator in 2008 and was its editor for two years. She now teaches writing and humanities a <a href="http://www.tkc.edu">The Ki