Interview with George Dyson: “Information Is Cheap, Meaning Is Expensive”

The European in conversation with George Dyson about computers, internet, progress, human life, and the deeper topics associated with it. They throw out some really interesting questions. What are some of your thoughts on these issues?

We now live in a world where information is potentially unlimited. Information is cheap, but meaning is expensive. Where is the meaning? Only human beings can tell you where it is……
I am not sure whether computers are just tools. When you look at your iPhone to get directions, are you asking the phone where to go or is the phone telling you where to go? You cannot draw a strict line between active and passive information exchange. If some alien form of life came to earth, they might be convinced that there is a bodiless form of intelligence that is telling its constituent parts to turn left or right. So there is a symbiosis that works both ways……
The danger is not that machines are advancing. The danger is that we are losing our intelligence if we rely on computers instead of our own minds. On a fundamental level, we have to ask ourselves: Do we need human intelligence? And what happens if we fail to exercise it?…..

Click here to read full interview.

Sandy Son

Sandy Son

Originally from South Korea, Sandy immigrated to New Zealand with her family when she was thirteen years old. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Auckland, NZ last May