#GrowCurator Campaign: Update 2 – Donation Perks


Dearest readers,

We had a ton of fun coming up with all the perks you’ll get in return for donating to our #GrowCurator Campaign. We’re especially excited about putting together the first ever “Best of The Curator” print anthology, complete with original graphics, editorials, and featuring a collection of our favorite essays from the past five years of Curator. Below is a list of other perks you get for donating! Check ’em out and don’t forget to head over to our Indiegogo page to donate!

  • A personal thank-you from the editors with your name published on the Curator website so that everyone will see how cool you are!
  • A copy of editor-in-chief Aaron Belz’s new collection of poems, Glitter Bomb, hot off the press!
  • A copy of Mako Fujimura’s beautiful graphic autobiography, River Grace.
  • A copy of the forthcoming print anthology, “Best of The Curator, 2008-2013″.
  • “Best of The Curator, 2008-2013″ WITH YOUR NAME in the acknowledgments. Immortalization!
  • “Best of The Curator, 2008-2013″ with your name in the acknowledgments SIGNED by Aaron Belz and Mako Fujimura.
  • 50% off the International Arts Movement’s INHABIT Conference in October!
  • 100% FREE registration for the INHABIT Conference in October

Zach Terrell,
Asst. Editor


Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell

Zach Terrell is a writer and teacher living in New York City.