Ghazal for Atlanta

There’s no end to the conversation about what lacks in Atlanta,
But Coretta Scott King became vegan and ate flax in Atlanta.

Summer nightfall means nothing when nobody’s around to take over:
In this city too busy to hate, who can relax in Atlanta.

If I try to talk about what’s in my heart, you’ll see only my skin.
So don’t ask what I think about Sherman’s long attacks on Atlanta.

I’ve been around here most all my life and I’ve had enough of Best Of’s.
Instead let’s make our own Afghanistans and Iraqs in Atlanta.

To be named and to be loved by a place isn’t the very worst thing
It’s not she who leaves but those who stay who’ve turned their backs on Atlanta.

Amy McDaniel

Amy McDaniel

Amy McDaniel lives in Atlanta with her dog, Annette. Her stories, poems, and essays have appeared in <em>Tin House</em>, <em>PANK</em>, <em>The Agriculture Reader</em>, <em>Saveur</em>, <em>Alimentum<