
when you force a laugh
and silence pushes back at you
like a wave against a wall

hang up something shiny

when you stride across the room in slippers
draw energy like a black hole
please don’t get too close to me

hang up something noisy

I wonder at the mutation
that brings you into my company

there are wolves at the door, you say,
a bear is knocking and wants to come in

the crows multiply their excuses
and deer lurch and gambol
in opposing directions

hang up a plastic owl

there is black water and blather
and black money flowing

behind your black back
speaking to crows
just outside my door

cawing crosses an ocean,
a generation,
crosses back,

back into this gap  

that neither sun nor moon can explain

Vasiliki Katsarou

Vasiliki Katsarou

Vasiliki Katsarou’s poems have appeared in Poetry Daily, Agave Magazine, Regime Journal (Australia), wicked alice, Wild River Review, Press 1, here/there, as well as in the anthologies <i>Not Somewher