From the Roster: Lindsay Kolk

Today we’re featuring the work of Lindsay Kolk who I first met years ago when we were colleagues at International Arts Movement. I’ve enjoyed watching Lindsay’s delicate, persistent hand change over time—her construction always markedly her own, but so influenced by her setting and the availability of found materials. We hope that you are refreshed and put at ease by her meditative approach.Lindsay Kolk’s BioCompelled by anxious fingers, Lindsay Kolk has always loved making things. She lives and works in Queens, NYC with her husband and daughter. Although city living is not her ideal, she continues to find little pockets of beauty and peace in such a frantic place.


From Lindsay: Much has happened this year, but perhaps the most transformative event was becoming a mother. No one was able to prepare me for the impact a child would have on my life, my daily rhythms, or my time. Even as I write I know that at any moment I will be needed. Historically, I sought refuge in the meditative state derived from focused problem solving, isolation, and from repetition of process, gesture, and material; as evident in:

Seeking Silence

This slideshow requires JavaScript.and  “Vestiges

This slideshow requires JavaScript.These days, time is a precious luxury, as are privacy, space, and quiet. I cannot afford to risk the neglect of my family for the sake of repetition. Instead of spending hours, I must gather fragments of time to work and to think. Although sleep deprivation has given me little emotional margin, I have found strength to delve into the personal. My recent “Nests” are created from the hair of family members, namely the women who have given me strength to be a mother.

I have not abandoned my concern for delicacy and fragility but, for now, I set aside the solace found in focus, isolation, and repetition so that I may be present in that which life has to offer.

More lindsaykolkstudio@gmail.cominstagram: lindsaykolkstudio

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan Ritchey

Meaghan is the Publisher of <i>The Curator</i>. She serves a variety of organizations through her consulting firm MaKeR Projects.