From One Of Our Own: A Novel About Willful Death And Redemption

A Chair Between The Rails, the latest novel from The Curator’s own George Anderson, takes the concept of willful death and works it into something almost transcendent. The book will launch on November 1, 2013. An Indiegogo campaign, running now through July 31st, will fund its publication.

 Anderson, who publishes fiction under the penname G. T. Anders, discussed the origins of the novel:
“Suicide is a resonant theme in A Chair Between The Rails. I’m a little concerned that this may bother people. However, the book settled into its current state not by design, but by me listening to what it had to say. As I delved into… the psyche of an insane coworker, his insanity began to infect my mind as well. I worked it out through writing the novel. The resultant character is James Feckidee, the narrator of A Chair Between The Rails. I cannot apologize for James’s tendencies, nor for the strange way in which they come to fruition (and to redemption) in the story…
That said, I like to think that the book’s presentation of willful death has something to say to us. Growing… in my relationship with my fiancee (now my wife), I began to learn the hard way what it is to die for someone else. Taking this and applying it to the almost constant passage of blaring trainhorns in this city, I stumbled upon the climactic scene in the novel.”1

A Chair Between The Rails is the prequel to The Tower of Babel, which launched last summer and gave us our first glimpse of the Feckidee family and their otherworldly abilities. These two novels, together with two more that are still in development, will form the Vaulan Cycle, which the author describes as “a new attempt at myth-making.”1

Anderson plans to use the Indiegogo campaign to fund the publication and marketing of the book. He has had such a positive response to The Tower of Babel, he says, that he would like to give A Chair Between The Rails a chance at success in front of a much larger audience. You can support his Indiegogo campaign here.


Lana Norris

Lana Norris

Lana Norris is a recent graduate of the Moody Bible Institute, where she double majored in Piano Performance and Theology. Originally from the Chicagoland area, she moved as soon as possible to New Yo