Friday Quicklinks 4.4.14

Here’s a smattering of this week’s pique-powerful posts.

It’s National Poetry Month | Follow these poets on Twitter. And read more poetry.

Orson Welles Reading Walt Whitman (h/t Lit Hum) | Song of Myself VI

NYC’s Old Floating Churches | Christ at sea, seen regularly.

Pothold tries to eat pothole truck | A little irony, for our hipster readers.

The Musicality of Robert Frost (h/t Prufrock News) | “And set the wall between us once again./ We keep the wall between us as we go.”

80 Mennonites pick up and move a house | We’re pretty sure they prayed beforehand.

It’s time to follow Station 51000 on Twitter | The observational data of a lost NOAA buoy, unmoored in March of last year and now adrift

FSG is releasing Marilynn Robinson’s new book Lila | And John Ames is still the man.

Liner Notes: A poetry Playlist | 10 poets offer their composition soundtracks.

And, of course, check out today’s post: Right Ho, Wodehouse

Nathan Klose

Nathan Klose

Nathan Klose is the former​​ Creative Director over 2nd & Charles​,​ Books-A-Million​, and Joe Muggs​. He's most recently living in Huntsville, AL,​​ where he​ helps​ ​​makes stuff for people arou