Experimental Philosophy: Taking the Search for Wisdom to the Streets

David Manconi from Stanford Magazine reports on a new approach to philosophy:

Knobe is one of the leading lights of a new field called experimental  philosophy, or “x-phi” for short. These scholars use the tools of social  science—they devise questionnaires, go out and conduct surveys, gather  data—and then try to figure out what philosophical truths they reveal.  At times, experimental philosophy looks no different than social  psychology. (It is perhaps telling that Knobe has office space in both  the philosophy and psychology departments at Yale.) It’s a lot more  likely than conventional philosophy to be a collaborative effort, too.

Read the full article here.

Sandy Son

Sandy Son

Originally from South Korea, Sandy immigrated to New Zealand with her family when she was thirteen years old. She graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from University of Auckland, NZ last May